OMGosh. Last night I was fortunate to have, what may very well have been, the best massage of my life. Somewhere around noon, I was knee deep in excel spreadsheets and my iphone dinged. It was a message from Circe, my hair salon of choice, promoting their last minute massage specials. PERFECT. This was exactly what I needed to relax the mind and commence the holiday weekend.
Now I’ve been around the massage block a time or two. As a spa diva since the ripe old age of 16, I would scrounge up tip money I made waiting tables the night before to cover the cost of massages, pedis, and hair treatments. And now that I have my grown up gig, I still make the “beauty/relaxation” column a priority in our family budget! Throughout my massage tenure, I have frequented a number of spas, salons, and even chiropractic care establishments – testing out various massage experiences (I know, rough life, right?!).
I’ve left massages energized, I’ve left massages essentially asleep (perhaps you’re familiar with the massage-induced coma), and I’ve left massages beyond sore, like Billy Blanks and I had just gone 10 rounds in Tae Bo. But last night, after my experience at Circe, I felt perfect. I was in that fabulously wondrous state of calm, yet ready to take on the world and the bliss has lasted well into this morning!
The ambiance of the massage room was similar to that of the many massage rooms that came before it – dimly lit lights, the sound of ocean waves crashing in the background which was complimented by this great almost tribal sounding CD (I should have asked the name!). There were two massage tables, one with layers of crisp white sheets and a light throw blanket and the other was decorated with this great crocheted blanket and whimsical toss pillows, which left you feeling like you were having a massage in your trendy SOHO loft, as opposed to a salon. It was home-y and warm. The aroma of Aveda’s chakra products filled the room in a slightly understated aromatherapy kind of way. I was given the option to choose from the following oil scents; floral, vanilla, citrus…and I don’t know what else, because after I hear “citrus,” I need not hear anything further. Chakra 5’s grapefruit-y and rosemary scent invigorates the communication and creativity vibes and leaves your skin with this incredibly light, but oh-so-indulgent scent.
The pressure was perfect. I’m a “mild to firm” girl when it comes to massage pressure preferences and Melissa, the masseuse (or as she is now noted in my contacts list -“The Magician”) did not disappoint. It was relaxing, yet intense at times, as she worked out the knots in my neck (story of my life – I carry ALL my stress in my neck and shoulders) and it was just so perfectly therapeutic.
Circe won over my massage heart with Melissa the Magician last night. My awesome experience inspired me to share this with you all, so the next time you feel the need to decompress or just center yourself, I would highly recommend giving Circe a shout.
So now it’s your turn! Who do you love? What salon services are you crazy about!? Do you have a brow guy or a nail girl that rocks your beauty world? Perhaps you have a stylist who does the blow out of all blow outs. There’s so much talent in the DC area and so many untapped beauty hotspots. So let’s take this opportunity to share those stylists, services, and beauty professionals that are nearest and dearest to our hearts!
Circe Day Spa
123 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Je zorgverzekering als je 18 wordt
6 months ago
The person who waxes my eyebrows at the Red Door Spa in DC is absolutely fantastic. They look perfect EVERY time, and the experience is always just so pleasant. He even will sometimes put eyeshadow on me post-wax if he knows I'm going out shopping, to lunch, etc.
ReplyDeleteOoooh! Don't ya love that?! It's all about those little "extras" isn't it?! And I can totally vouch - your brows consistently look incredible! Thanks for sharing! SB