It’s no secret that we all look better with a little color. Memorial Day weekend comes around and begrudgingly; we pull out the swimsuit and halter tops and think, “oh I so should have gone tanning.” And despite the fact that we know just how awful tanning beds are for our skin, we continue to head to the salon, bronzing lotion and goggles in tow, and seek the almighty “sunkissed look.” Believe me, I’m totally guilty of it myself (just don’t tell my dermatologist).
I was married in October of last year and therefore 2008 resulted in many showers, parties, get togethers, celebratory dinners, etc. All for which I justified the purchase of a new dress, new accessories, and very often, new shoes. In my mind a tan was simply part of the ensemble, contributing significantly to the finished look. Normally I allow myself to purchase the “unlimited tanning package” just for the summer months (that’s me showing self-control). However, because of last year’s seemingly endless number of special events, I was faced with an unprecedented number of tanning sessions. Not even I could deny the potential hazards of regular tanning at this point. So I committed to mastering (drum roll please)…the spray tan.
While helpful, the pre-spray tan tutorial video offered at tanning salons, tends to leave out some rather important information. Read on for step-by-step instructions on how to avoid the dreaded “orange look” (think Dancing with the Stars) and get the desired glow without putting your skin at risk. I’ve listed 9 steps, but don’t be intimidated…I’m just super detail oriented. After 1 or 2 times of this routine, you’ll have it down. NOTE: various salons may have different procedures, so by all means, if the tanning consultant instructs you otherwise – listen to them!
Shortly before tanning (1-2 hours prior):
Step 1: Exfoliate your skin with a heavy duty scrub (i.e. St. Ives Apricot scrub is ideal)
NOTE: When using scrubs, I’ve found that using a washcloth works better than a loofah. The texture of the washcloth works to your benefit.
Step 2: Use a moisturizing lotion (i.e. St. Ives Intensive Healing Lotion) all over. The spray tan will concentrate (read: streak) in areas that are noticeably dry such as knees, elbows, and the backs of ankles, so make sure these are lotioned up. The spray tan goes on much smoother when skin is well hydrated.
Step 3: Wear dark and loose fitting clothing to the tanning salon, as the spray tan may stain lightly colored or tightly fitted clothing.
Once you arrive to the tanning salon:
Step 4: You will be asked whether you want tinted or clear spray solution. Tinted solution gives you instant color, while the clear solution takes 3 – 6 hours to appear. Your choice.
Step 5: You may also be asked which level of spray solution you prefer; 1, 2, or 3. All this really refers to, is the amount of solution that will be used. The level should be based on your height and weight. I would suggest asking the tanning salon consultant which level he/she would recommend for you.
Step 6: Apply pre-sunless tanning instant moisturizer. Most tanning salons sell this product and in my opinion, it’s totally worth the $20. Apply this liberally to all areas to be tanned.
Step 6: Apply barrier cream to instructed areas. Barrier cream should be provided, at no additional cost, by the tanning salon. Apply a thick layer of barrier cream to fingernails and toenails (especially around your cuticles where the spray tan tends to build up) and a thinner layer to the tops of your hands and feet. Make sure the lotion is applied evenly (no clumps) and be mindful to get the spaces in between your fingers and toes, as this is a prime spot for streaking. Also, if you knees or elbows tend to be super dry, lather some barrier cream on there as well.
Booties – Many tanning salons offer booties to cover your feet while you tan. I don’t really get the booties, as I want my feet to tan with the rest of my body…so needless to say, I go without the booties. I mean who wants a tanned body with pale feet?
We’re almost there….
Step 7: Enter the spray tan booth and follow the instructions given to you by the tanning salon consultant regarding your positioning. Remember to close your eyes and keep your mouth closed. I’m sure you’re thinking “how do I breathe?!” I breathe through my nose in between sprays. But each tanning booth differs in the spray patterns, so ask the tanning salon consultant what to expect so you can plan your breaths without panicking! You should be in the booth for less than a minute.
Step 8: Using a dark colored towel, provided by the tanning salon, dab your skin dry. Make certain you do not wipe your skin dry, as this causes streaking. Essentially, just dab the towel all over until you are completely dry.
Step 9: Tanning salons recommend that you not shower or sweat within 5 hours of getting your spray tan. After 5 hours you should be “good to glow.”
Je zorgverzekering als je 18 wordt
6 months ago
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